Tuesday, April 10, 2012

That didn't take long, did it? Ozzie Guillen

Why such the uproar? Everyone knows it wasn't a matter of if, but when Ozzie Guillen would get suspended for the first time in his new gig with the Miami Marlins. I mean geesh I had my license 13 days before it got yanked. Caleb Blackmur had his for 8. 5 games Ozzie? 5 games? I'm impressed sir, really.

On a serious note though it's not like he was praising Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden here. I mean do we even know if Fidel Castro is calling the shots down there? I was actually half-sure he was dead before this story came out. When's the last time Cuba was even a factor for the United States anyways? Not to get all political on you or anything. I feel like this suspension is just based off of Ozzie's reputation (justifiably that he has a reputation, not that he got suspended for it). Had nothing to do with the actual game of baseball. And you know it's only a matter of time before he's at it again.

All I'll say is this: if they ever do a celebrity edition of Survivor Ozzie Guillen is no question my first pick for the show, over any other sports figure, musician, you name it. That dude will be candid, he won't hold back from anybody, and if he makes it to the jury, my God. Sue Hawk's "rats and snakes" speech would have nothing on that.

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